To Re-Use is a Virtue


“I have so many books I don’t know what to do with them” is something we hear every day at Prairie Path Books. We don't make much of it —after all, everyone we know is in the same boat! Hmmm, hold that thought because here’s another thing you might just relate to.

My grandma MacGregor used to save and reuse every single little thing — including her teabags if you can believe it, and my mom kept her bubble gum on her bedpost for reuse. So did all her friends in 1945. Decades later the MacGregor halo has been passed to my middle daughter Emma, who has long been a colossally conscious consumer and is as we speak writing her master’s thesis on saving the world. Emma is not a fan of buying only new things; in fact, for Christmas she asked for clothes – that is, to “shop” in my closet. It’s a new world, friends and she looked better in the things she took anyway. All this to say:

To re-use is once again … a proud virtue and so going forward, PPB and I will give selling new 

AND nearly new 

books a try. . . .

Some of you knew this might be coming as I hinted at it last week and I must say that I feel so good and right about this. I know all the MacGregors (especially Emma) will be proud of me. 

We’ll call it our “Once Read Program,” and here’s how it will work. For now, we are starting with grown-up titles, but we see a bright future for Once Read Children’s. 


1. Gotta lotta nearly new books you’d love to be appreciated once more? Drop them in the PPB Once Read Bin on our front porch any time (take a look at my video for the deets). You’ll feel great about yourself I promise, I've already done a bit o' donating and it felt almost as good as when I learned my niece had taken up sewing in a big way and was so thrilled to take in my Mom's sophisticated machines when Mom passed away. Now they are put to such good use!! What a virtuous heart-full-ness.

2. Wanna buy new books with store credit earned by donating your nearly new books? Come over and in during store hours so Leslie can take a look and get your contact information. That way we can let you know when they sell so you can use your store credit towards new purchases ($5/hardcover donation, $3/paperback). Oh boy! Win/Win!


Just like always, come into our beautiful space to say hi, wander over to the kitchen for a cuppa plus a slice-a whatever’s been baking, find our Once Read section and enjoy free browsing and 50% off books Once Read by your neighbors, our PPB customers.

I really like the sound of that; how about you - doing a great thing for the planet, all the while enjoying our friendly, gorgeous 1905 homey environment? I’ve filmed a walkthrough so you can see how it works. Can’t wait to see you soon. Grandma MacGregor always said that to reuse is a virtue. Thanks, Emma, for (constantly) reminding me. 🙂

Oh, and one more little thing. Remember how I said a few weeks ago that I was in the process of re-licensing as an attorney?? If not, the scoop is that I was one and then I left the practice of law to raise my kids and then open PPB. Well, there’s news on the legal front too. On Monday I began a part-time, work-from-home/Willow position with a general interest law firm in Chicago (Fox Swibel Levin & Carroll), practicing trademark and transactional law. Just as I used to. What are the chances that a place would need for a few hours a week someone who does what I did and provided that I could do so from home/PPB Willow? I don’t know but it’s true — I am doing that and I love it so far. I suppose my chances were increased because I learned of the position (which rather urgently needed filling) from my husband who is a partner and litigator at Fox Swibel. He put in a good word for me, apparently, but I did don a suit and interview where I acted like a grown-up for hours, friends! Anyhoo - that’s the follow-up to my message from a few weeks ago and so if you need a lawyer I have a new email and a whole law firm alongside that can assist. Can you believe it?  skoropp@foxswibel.com 

*Our space is cozier, so tickets to Daffodils have gone fast; only about 10 left. If you miss out and would like a private party of 10 or so committed fans of local business, I’ll be happy to host. 


Pre-Madness 🏀 Recs + Return of K. Reay!


Springy Updates, New News and a Walk-through